Tag Archives | ingredients

Blog_Vetiver Ingredient Knowledge Parfum

Ingredient Knowledge · VETIVER

The name vetiver probably rings a bell. This raw material, was broadly used in some very famous perfumes of the last decades : Vetiver – Guerlain (1959), Vetiver 46 – Le Labo (2006), Terre – Hermes (2007), Sycomore – Chanel (2008). Time to give some more explanation on this beautiful scented plant. The vetiver, ( or […]

Ingredient Knowledge Neroli parfum

Ingredient Knowledge · NEROLI

Neroli is also called orange or orange blossom and has an exotic floral fragrance that activates the mind and body. The Neroli oil is extracted by steam distillation of the bitter orange tree blossom (Citrus aurantium amara), which belongs to the winery family. To obtain 1 kilo of oil, about 1000 kilos of blossom is […]

Ingredient Knowledge Oudh

Ingredient Knowledge · OUD(H)

Oud (in Arabic Oudh) is one of the most expensive perfume ingredients in the world. But what makes it so expensive? And why is it so popular at this moment? Oud is an exotic resin that comes from the wood of the Agar (Aquilaria) tree. These trees are mainly found in Southeast Asia, presumably from […]
